Ten Things You Should Do Before Filming Your Memoir
When it comes to writing your memoir, you want to make sure you’re prepared. Here are ten things you should do before writing your memoir.
1. Brainstorm: Before you start writing, take some time to brainstorm ideas and topics that you want to cover in your memoir. Think about your life, your experiences, and any themes or topics that you want to explore. Brainstorming can help you come up with a plan for your memoir.
2. Outline: After you’ve brainstormed, create an outline of the topics you want to cover in your memoir. This will help you stay organized and keep your writing focused.
3. Research: If you’re writing about a specific time period or place, research the relevant facts and history. This will help you make sure your memoir is accurate and adds to the readers’ understanding.
4. Collect memories: It is important to start collecting memories of your life, so you have a good starting point to work from. Write down memories, conversations, events, and any other details that you want to include in your memoir.
5. Interview people: Reach out to family, friends, and colleagues that you want to include in your memoir. Ask them to share their memories or stories related to your life.
6. Watch autobiographical documentaries: Watch autobiographical documentaries can help you get ideas for your own memoir and get a better understanding of how it all comes together.
7. Get feedback: Ask a few people to read your ideas and provide feedback. This can help you adjust the tone and content of your memoir so it is more meaningful and effective.
8. Write a draft: Once you’ve collected your memories, researched the important facts, and got feedback from people, start writing a draft. Don’t worry about perfection just yet. Just write and get your thoughts on paper.
9. Plan the shoot: Once you’ve written a draft, start planning for the shoot. If you are doing this yourself, you’ll need a Camera and editing software. Alternatively, we can help you by working with you to bring your Memoir to the screen.
10. Edit & Share: Once you’ve finished the shoot, it’s time to edit your memoir. You can do this yourself using editing software, or our team of professionals can help you. Then you’re done. You can share your memoir with the world.
Looking back at my age now, 43, I wish my Grandparents had access to this service. We hope you turn your memoir into film. If you’re doing this solo we wish the best of luck. If you need our help, get in touch here.