The Differences Between A Biography & A Memoir

A biography is a written account of a person's life that is written by someone else, while a memoir is a written account of a person's life that is written by the person themselves. A biography typically includes information about the subject's childhood, education, relationships, career, and death, while a memoir focuses on a particular moment or series of moments in the writer's life.

1. A biography is written by someone other than the subject, while a memoir is written by the subject themselves.

2. A biography focuses on the life of someone else, while a memoir focuses on the writer's own life.

3. A biography is typically more objective, while a memoir is more subjective.

4. A biography looks at the subject's life from a broad perspective, while a memoir looks at the subject's life from a more personal perspective.

5. A biography is usually more comprehensive and covers the entire life of the subject, while a memoir may focus on a particular period in the writer's life.

6. A biography often contains more research than a memoir.

7. A biography generally includes quotes from other people about the subject, while a memoir is usually written from the first-person perspective.

8. A biography is usually written in third-person, while a memoir is usually written in first-person.

9. A biography focuses on facts, while a memoir focuses on feelings and emotions.

10. A biography is typically a longer work than a memoir.


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